
Showing posts with the label tusks


                                                                                          AFRICAN SAVANNA ELEPHANT Elephant are  the largest mammal on land, however many people have not know many facts about these mammals. There are three types of elephants, African savanna elephants, African forest elephants and the Asian elephants and the African elephants.  In this post we only focus on the African savanna elephant found in the Tsavo East National Park and Tsavo West National Park.     Lions attack a calf A male elephant can weight 6,300 kilograms and a female can weight 3,600 kilograms, the trunk of an elephant is used for smelling, holding, drinking water, lifting, sound production, the trunk can expand and contract and can move in any direction.  They have poor eyesight during the day; they can smell objects at very far distances, they can smell  water from a distance of 12 miles (19 KM), an adult elephant  drinks about 210 liters per day they have a very sensitive skin, they use